Genus Yoyetta Moulds, 2012 Ambertails and firetails
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Distribution: Eastern, central and south- western Australia, with isolated occurrences in the north-west. Area of diversity: South-eastern Australia. Locality of highest diversity: Acton (Australian Capital Territory; six species). List of species: Adelaide Firetail Yoyetta aaede (Walker, 1850) Golden-haired Firetail Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant, 1892) Southern Ticking Ambertail Yoyetta australicta Popple and Emery, 2022 Silver Princess Yoyetta celis (Moulds, 1988) North Coast Ambertail Yoyetta corindi Popple and Emery, 2022 Cumberland Ambertail Yoyetta cumberlandi Emery, Emery and Popple, 2015 Sydney Ticking Ambertail Yoyetta darug Emery, Emery and Popple, 2025 Delicate Ambertail Yoyetta delicata Popple and Emery, 2022 Black Firetail Yoyetta denisoni (Distant, 1893) Grampians Firetail Yoyetta douglasi Popple and Emery, 2020 Rattling Firetail Yoyetta electrica Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Restless Firetail Yoyetta enigmatica Popple and Emery, 2020 River Ambertail Yoyetta fluviatilis Emery, Emery and Popple, 2015 Smoky-winged Ambertail Yoyetta fumea Emery, Emery and Popple, 2025 Red-eyed Firetail Yoyetta grandis Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Varied Ambertail Yoyetta humphreyae Moulds and Popple, 2018 Sydney Treetop Ticker Yoyetta hunterorum (Moulds, 1988) Fiery Ambertail Yoyetta ignita Popple and Emery, 2022 False Ambertail Yoyetta incepta (Walker, 1850) (species complex) Victorian Firetail Yoyetta kershawi (Goding and Froggatt, 1904) Small Bassian Ambertail Yoyetta landsboroughi (Distant, 1882) Mt Lofty Firetail Yoyetta loftyensis Popple and Emery, 2020 Small Southern Ambertail Yoyetta nigrimontana Emery, Emery and Popple, 2015 Glade Firetail Yoyetta ngarabal Popple and Emery, 2020 Sandstone Ambertail Yoyetta psammitica Emery, Emery and Popple, 2025 Red Ringer Yoyetta regalis Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Zipping Ambertail Yoyetta repetens Emery, Emery and Popple, 2015 Clicking Ambertail Yoyetta robertsonae Moulds, Popple and Emery, 2020 Robust Ambertail Yoyetta robusta Popple and Emery, 2022 Serrated Firetail Yoyetta serrata Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Wavering Firetail Yoyetta spectabilis Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Subalpine Firetail Yoyetta subalpina Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Brown Firetail Yoyetta timothyi Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 Tropical Ambertail Yoyetta tristrigata (Goding and Froggatt, 1904) Coastal Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Dusky Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Subcoastal Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Dark Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Small Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Bright Treetop Ticker Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Small Robust Ambertail Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Northern Ticking Ambertail Yoyetta sp. (cf. tristrigata) Sweeping Firetail Yoyetta verrens Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019 database record
Currently known extent
Red-eyed Firetail
Silver Princess
Golden-haired Firetail
Wavering Firetail
Sydney Treetop TIcker
Serrated Firetail
Red Ringer
Sweeping Firetail
Cumberland Ambertail
Black Firetail
Brown Firetail
Victorian Firetail
False Ambertail (species complex)
Small Bassian Ambertail
Delicate Ambertail
River Ambertail
Tropical Ambertail
Subalpine Firetail
Small Southern Ambertail
Zipping Ambertail
Southern Ticking Ambertail
Clicking Ambertail
Coastal Treetop Ticker
Dusky Treetop Ticker
Subcoastal Treetop Ticker
Dark Treetop Ticker
Small Treetop Ticker
Bright Treetop Ticker
Fiery Ambertail
Varied Ambertail
Robust Ambertail
Small Robust Ambertail
Northern Ticking Ambertail
Grampians Firetail
SydneyTicking Ambertail
Adelaide Firetail
Rattling Firetail
Mt Lofty Firetail
Glade Firetail
Restless Firetail
North Coast Ambertail
Smoky-winged Ambertail
Sandstone Ambertail