Serrated Firetail Yoyetta serrata Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS): 518. Fore wing length: 24–31 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Canberra and the Brindabella Range in the Australian Capital Territory south through the Southeastern Highlands of New South Wales to Bemm River and west to Gisborne in Victoria. Notable localities: Nimmitabel, Brown Mountain. Habitat: Cool temperate eucalypt forest and woodland. Calling song and behaviour: High-pitched, rapid, ticking followed by short chirps and repeated. Adults sit high on the main trunks and upper branches of eucalypts. Similar species: Golden-haired Firetail, Wavering Firetail, Mt Lofty Firetail. database record
Currently known extent