Fence Buzzer
Myopsalta mackinlayi (Distant, 1882)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously often referred to
as Notopsalta atrata.
Species number (TNS):
281, 681.
Fore wing length:
15–18 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
From near Moranbah in central
inland Queensland south and
east to the south-western parts
of Brisbane and along the
western fringes of the Great
Dividing Range in New South
Wales and east into the drier
western suburbs of Sydney at
its southern limit. A widely
occurring species that is
especially prevalent in south-
eastern Queensland in the
Darling Downs and valleys west
of Brisbane. Adults are present
from September to March.
Notable localities:
Miles, Gatton, Stanthorpe,
Open woodland, edges of open
forest and paddocks with
scattered trees.
Calling song and behaviour:
A buzzing call that repeats
about once every second. It can
be described as "dada-
didididididi-da... dada-
didididididi-da...". The dusk call
is a drawn-out version of the
more usual call. Adults are wary
and can be difficult to observe.
They also camouflage well on
tree trunks and fence posts.
Most individuals occur within
two metres of the ground.
Similar species:
Black Brigalow Buzzer, Brown
Buzzer, Fishing Reel Buzzer,
Bassian Buzzer, Black Acacia
Buzzer, Warwick Grass Buzzer,
Orange-bellied Buzzer.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent