Genus Ewartia Moulds, 2012 Wattle cicadas
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Distribution: Northern, central and central eastern Australia, the Top End of the Northern Territory, north-eastern Queensland and central Western Australia. Area of diversity: South-east Queensland, with two species found at several localities. Locality of highest diversity: Moogerah Dam (three species). List of species: Sporty Wattle Cicada Ewartia adusta Moulds and Marshall, 2022 Cooktown Wattle Cicada Ewartia brevis (Ashton, 1912) Cape York Wattle Cicada Ewartia carina Popple, 2017 Western Wattle Cicada Ewartia cuensis (Distant, 1913) Northern Wattle Cicada Ewartia etesia Popple, 2017 Inland Wattle Cicada Ewartia lapidosa Popple, 2017 Broad-striped Wattle Cicada Ewartia oldfieldi (Distant, 1883) Thin-striped Wattle Cicada Ewartia roberti Popple, 2017 Shrub Wattle Cicada Ewartia thamna Popple, 2017 database record
Currently known extent
Cooktown Wattle Cicada
Western Wattle Cicada
Broad-striped Wattle Cicada
Thin-striped Wattle Cicada
Inland Wattle Cicada
Cape York Wattle Cicada
Shrub Wattle Cicada
Northern Wattle Cicada
Sporty Wattle Cicada