Red Squeaker Haemopsalta rubea (Goding and Froggatt, 1904)
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Species number (TNS): 400. Fore wing length: 16–21 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Occurs coastally and subcoastally from the Windsor Tableland in north Queensland south to the Royal National Park, Sydney. This is a widespread species in Greater Brisbane, including the Islands. In the inland, populations occur along the Great Dividing Range. Adults occur from September until about April. Notable localities: Burrum River National Park, Bribie Island, North Stradbroke Island, Stanthorpe, Royal National Park. Habitat: Populations are associated with eucalypts in wet and dry sclerophyll forests and also where these trees grow as an overstorey to heathland. Populations tend to be larger on coastal islands than on the mainland. Calling song and behaviour: Monotonously repeated and soft, but far carrying, with 1–3 short chirps followed by a longer note; repeated regularly. The call is most noticeable in the late afternoon when many males will call in unison. Adults perch on the upper branches of eucalypts.It tends to be a rather wary species at most times of the day. Similar species: Beach Squeaker, Sunray Squeaker. database record
Currently known extent