Genus Diemeniana Distant, 1906 Twangers, crop dusters
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Distribution: Throughout Tasmania and also temperate areas of southeastern mainland Australia from the border region of South Australia and Victoria through central and eastern Victoria, and the south coast, ranges and tablelands of New South Wales north to near Tenterfield. Area of diversity: Alpine regions of New South Wales where up to two species may be present at any one locality. Locality of highest diversity: Thredbo Diggings, Tom Groggin (two species at both locations). List of species: Tasman Twanger Diemeniana cincta (Fabricius, 1803) Golden Twanger Diemeniana euronotiana (Kirkaldy, 1909) Crop Duster Diemeniana frenchi (Distant, 1907) Black Twanger Diemeniana hirsuta (Goding and Froggatt, 1904) Auburn Crop Duster Diemeniana neboissi Burns, 1958 database record
Currently known extent
Golden Twanger
Black Twanger
Crop Duster
Auburn Crop Duster
Tasman Twanger