Golden Twanger Diemeniana euronotiana (Kirkaldy, 1909)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Other name(s): Velvetback. Species number (TNS): 147. Fore wing length: : 13–17 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Distribution and seasonality: A mostly cool temperate distribution, from Basket Swamp north of Tenterfield in New South Wales south through parts of Victoria to the eastern Quarter of Tasmania and west to south-eastern South Australia. In New South Wales it is rarely found below 1000m and tends to follow the Great Dividing Range, although it has recently been found on the coast near Coledale. In Victoria, it is mostly found below 550m. Tasmanian populations occur below 200m and are restricted to the northern and eastern coastal districts. This species has been recorded from October to February. Notable localities: Gibraltar Range, Kanangra- Boyd National Park, near Coledale (B. Smith), Brindabella Range, Thredbo Village, Bay of Fires. Habitat: Populations occur in heathland and grassland with heath elements, in swampy areas and in riparian communities. Calling song and behaviour: An unmistakable series of ‘twangs’ followed by a low- pitched ‘raspberry’ noise. It sounds something like: “zuueep-zueep-zueep-zueep- zueep-zorrp [pause]”; a pattern that is repeated persistently whilst singing. Adults are moderately mobile but not particularly wary. They are often found in the understorey within 1–2 metres of the ground. Colour variation: Specimens exhibit limited variation in colour. Similar species: None; a distinctive cicada.
Habitat database record
Currently known extent