Crop Duster
Diemeniana frenchi (Distant, 1907)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Other name(s):
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length: :
17–24 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
From Cooleman Caves and
Moruya in southeastern New
South Wales west through
eastern and central Victoria to
near Gisborne. Adults occur
from December to February.
Notable localities:
Dalgety, Tom Groggin, Orbost.
Grassland on flood plains and
along watercourses.
Calling song and behaviour:
A long or short buzz ending in a
characteristic stutter, often
repeated. A closely related
cicada, named Auburn Crop
Duster, has an identical calling
song. Adults sit on the stems of
grasses and occasionally on
small shrubs and forbs.
Colour variation:
Specimens exhibit limited
variation in colour.
Similar species:
Auburn Crop Duster.
Habitat database record
Currently known extent