Lesser Bottle Cicada
Chlorocysta vitripennis (Westwood, 1851)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
19–26 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
Coastal and subcoastal high
rainfall areas from Bundaberg in
Queensland south to Taree in New
South Wales. A small population is
also reputedly known from Sydney
and it may have been accidentally
introduced. Adults may appear as
early as late August and regularly
are present from September to
Notable localities:
North-western suburbs of
Brisbane, Cooroy, Mt Tamborine,
Tallebudgera Valley, Dorrigo.
Lesser Bottle Cicada inhabits
areas of coastal and mountain
rainforest. It also occurs among
leafy understorey in wet
sclerophyll forests. In the
extensive areas where these
habitats have been cleared,
populations of this species persist
in remnant pockets of vegetation,
in regrowth and among weeds
(including Lantana and Privet).
They also occur in leafy gardens.
Adults sit on the foliage and outer
branches of leafy vegetation. They
rarely occur on tree trunks.
Calling song and behaviour:
Males produce a drawn-out
buzzing whistle; they sing in
unison. Once an individual male
begins to call, others are prompted
to start calling. When many males
are present, the sound sustains in
the form of a large wave through
the vegetation and this may
continue over large distances,
across hillsides etc. Males are
often prompted to begin calling by
the sound of passing vehicles,
especially trucks. During sunny
conditions the call of an individual
male last for approximately 30
seconds. On overcast days and as
dusk approaches an individual’s
call will typically have a
considerably longer duration. A
female will attract a male by
producing audible wing-flicks at
the cessation of the male’s call.
Little observation has been made
of such behaviour in this species.
Colour variation:
Females with entirely red body
coloration are encountered on rare
occasions. Specimens may fade to
a yellow or yellow-brown after
Similar species:
Small Bottle Cicada, Large Bottle
Cicada (species complex), Vine-
scrub Bottle Cicada.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent