Rapid Ticker
Crotopsalta strenulum Ewart, 2005
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
10–12 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
From the Carnarvon Gorge
region and adjacent grasslands
of central Queensland south and
east to near Toowoomba in
southern Queensland. Adults
have been observed during
October to February.
Notable localities:
Mt Moffatt, Expedition Range
National Park, Westbrook.
Occurs in open grassland and
grassy woodland.
Calling song and behaviour:
Rapid ticking that is audible only
at close range. Adults sit on
grass stems, fence posts and
low vegetation.
Similar species:
Cloncurry Ticker, Eastern Ticker,
Wilga Ticker.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent