Bronze Tree-buzzer (species complex) Palapsalta circumdata (Walker, 1852)
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Previously known as Pauropsalta circumdata. Species number (TNS): 395, 398. Fore wing length: 17–22 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Jervis Bay (Australian Capital Territory) and southern New South Wales coastally north to Kroombit Tops in south- east Queensland and also the Blackdown Tableland, Auburn River National Park and Carnarvon National Park in inland Queensland. It occurs throughout Greater Brisbane, including the Lockyer Valley, from late September until sometimes as late as June. Notable localities: Bundaberg, Burbank (Brisbane), Helidon, Castlereagh (Sydney). Habitat: Open eucalypt forest, often with an understory of heath. It typically occurs on sandstone. This species complex contains: Bronze Tree-buzzer (TNS: 398): From Kroombit Tops south to Jervis Bay. Inland Tree-buzzer (TNS: 395): Known from Blackdown Tableland and Mt Moffatt east to near Mundubbera and south to Southwood National Park near Moonie. Calling song and behaviour: A drawn-out, shivering buzz, which rises in amplitude. This is repeated regularly. Individuals do not sing in unison. The peak singing periods are mid-morning and late afternoon. Males usually sing whilst perched high up on tall eucalypts. Females are found on shrubs and small eucalypts lower down. This species tends to remain fairly static unless disturbed. Similar species: Striped Tree-buzzer (species complex), Red Squeaker.
Bronze Tree-buzzer
Inland Tree-buzzer
Inland Tree-buzzer
Currently known extent database record:
Bronze Tree-buzzer