Striped Tree-buzzer (species complex) Palapsalta virgulata (Ewart, 1989)
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Sometimes referred to as Pauropsalta virgulatus. Species number (TNS): 389, 390. Fore wing length: 17–22 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Queensland, from Mt. Carbine south to the Paluma Range and Mt. Garnet in the north, with other populations near Glenden, on the Blackdown Tableland and possibly also on Fraser Island. November to April. Notable localities: Maryfarms, Herberton. Habitat: Populations occur in eucalypt woodland, open forest and occasionally in association with eucalypts at the edge of rainforest. This species complex contains: Striped Tree-buzzer (TNS: 389). From Mt. Carbine south to Mt. Garnet and east to Paluma Range in the north, with other populations near Glenden and on the Blackdown Tableland. Tinaroo Tree-buzzer (TNS: 390). Known from Dimbulah and Tinaroo Dam south to near Ravenshoe in north-east Queensland. Calling song and behaviour: A fast series of short chirps followed by chirps interspersed with sharp buzzing phrases (Striped Tree-buzzer) or series of short lilting phrases (Tinaroo Tree-buzzer). Adults occur on the main trunks and upper branches of eucalypts. Similar species: Eastern River Tree-buzzer.
Striped Tree-buzzer
Tinaroo Tree-buzzer
Tinaroo Tree-buzzer
Currently known extent database record:
Striped Tree-buzzer