Sooty Squeaker Falcatpsalta aquila (Ewart, 1989)
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Sometimes referred to as Pauropsalta aquilus. Species number (TNS): 404. Fore wing length: 16–19 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Inland Queensland from near Greenvale south to Carnarvon National Park and east to Taroom, Eidsvold and Esk. Populations also occur coastally from Curtis Island near Gladstone south to Cooloola. Adults are present from September to February. Notable localities: Pentland, Mitchell, Blackall, Miles, Mon Repos. Habitat: Populations occur in the near vicinity of water in areas of open forest and woodland. Calling song and behaviour: Similar to Red Squeaker, but emitted at a faster rate, with a single short note followed by a longer note, and with the longer note slurred. Adults can be found at any height on the main trunk of eucalypts, particularly Forest Red Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis). It is a wary insect that can be difficult to observe. Similar species: Bark Squeaker (species complex). database record
Currently known extent