Bark Squeaker (species complex)
Atrapsalta corticina (Ewart, 1989)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Sometimes referred to as
Pauropsalta corticinus.
Species number (TNS):
403, 408, 410, 411, 422, 426.
Fore wing length:
16–20 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
From Dudgeon Point in central
Queensland south through the eastern
half of Queensland to Bega in New
South Wales and from Denniliquin,
near Mount Beauty and extending
west to Mildura in northern Victoria.
Adults occur from September to April.
Notable localities:
Gladstone, Bundaberg, Brisbane,
Stanthorpe, Casino, Kempsey,
Camden, Nyngan, Deniliquin, Mildura
(D. Emery), Mount Beauty (Simon
Populations can be found in open
forest and woodland, particularly in
riverine areas, plateaus and lower
slopes. Adults occur mostly on
eucalypts, including Forest Red Gum
(Eucalyptus tereticornis) and Gum-
topped Box (E. moluccana).
This species complex contains:
Bark Squeaker (TNS: 411). From
Dudgeon Point in central Queensland
south to the Queensland/ New South
Wales border.
Border Ranges Bark Squeaker
(TNS: 426). Known from near
Killarney in south-east Queensland
and south through Legume,
Woodenbong, the Border Ranges
National Park and the Casino district
to Kempsey and further to the Hunter
Valley region in New South Wales.
Deniliquin Bark Squeaker
(TNS:403). From Deniliquin in
southern New South Wales south to
near Yarrawonga in Victoria.
Inland Bark Squeaker (TNS: 408).
Restricted to inland south-east
Queensland from near Moonie east to
Thane and south to the Queensland/
New South Wales border.
Montane Bark Squeaker (TNS: 410).
Temperate areas from Carnarvon
National Park (Qld) south-east to
Gibraltar Range (NSW).
Southern Bark Squeaker (TNS:422).
A wide-ranging species in
southeastern Australia from Mildura
north to Nyngan, east to the western
Sydney area and south to Mount
Calling song and behaviour:
A series of short chirps followed by a
brief buzz. The song can be emitted
rapidly (Deniliquin Bark Squeaker), at
a variable pace (Southern Bark
Squeaker), slowly and evenly
(Montane Bark Squeaker), slowly and
unevenly (Bark Squeaker), slowly with
few buzz phrases (Inland Bark
Squeaker) or slowly with regular
changes in speed (Border Ranges
Bark Squeaker). Adults sit on the
main trunk and upper branches of
Similar species:
Small Bark Squeaker (species
complex), Gurulmundi Squeaker.
Bark Squeaker
Montane Bark Squeaker
Border Ranges Bark Squeaker
Currently known extent database record:
Bark Squeaker
Border Ranges Bark Squeaker
Deniliquin Bark Squeaker
Montane Bark Squeaker
Inland Bark Squeaker
Southern Bark Squeaker
Deniliquin Bark Squeaker
Inland Bark Squeaker
Southern Bark Squeaker