Murray Acacia Cicada
Clinopsalta adelaida (Ashton, 1914)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously referred to as
Cicadetta adelaida.
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
21–26 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
South-eastern South Australia
from Port Augusta south through
the Greater Adelaide region and
along the Murray River east into
central Victoria. Also recorded in
New South Wales from Wyalong
north to the near Moree . Adults
occur from October to February.
Notable localities:
Pilliga State Forest (D. Emery),
Wyalong, Murray Bridge,
Inglewood (Victoria), Adelaide.
Open woodland, mallee and
Calling song and behaviour:
A distinctive call with a whirring,
ratchet-like introduction, which
then culminates into fast
chirping with bouts of wing-
clicking. Adults sit on the inner
branches and stems of shrubs
and small trees.
Similar species:
Mallee Chirper, Ferny Acacia
Cicada. database record
Currently known extent