Smoky Buzzer Myopsalta waterhousei (Distant, 1905)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously known as Cicadetta waterhousei. Species number (TNS): 798, 298, 299. Fore wing length: 14–19 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Known from around Warwick in Queensland, the Tamworth district in New South Wales, the A.C.T., higher rainfall parts of Victoria and also south-eastern South Australia, centred on Adelaide. Specimens have been collected from September to March. Notable localities: Warwick, Tamworth, Canberra, Craigieburn, Adelaide. Habitat: Open grassland. Calling song and behaviour: A metallic buzzing call, displaying marked changes in amplitude during each phrase of song. Males sing from grass stems. Similar species: Lesser Smoky Buzzer, Robust Smoky Buzzer (species complex).
Habitat database record
Currently known extent