Orange Clicker (species complex) Kobonga umbrimargo (Walker, 1858)
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Species number (TNS): 154, 159, 168. Fore wing length: 29–39 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Throughout much of semi-arid Australia. In Western Australia, it is widespread throughout the entire south-west region from Shark Bay south-east to Cape Arid and north to near Kalgoorlie. In Queensland, it occurs from White Mountains National Park south-east to Southwood National Park and from Round Hill Nature Reserve in New South Wales west in Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Notable localities: Blackdown Tableland, Parachilna, Geraldton, Cape Riche. Habitat: Mallee woodland and acacia scrubland. Species complex includes: Orange Clicker (TNS 159): Throughout south-west Western Australia. Blackdown Dinger (TNS 168): In Queensland, from White Mountains National Park south-east to Southwood National Park. Flinders Clicker (TNS 154): From Round Hill Nature Reserve west to Eyre Peninsula. Calling song and behaviour: A complex buzzing and clicking call. Adults sit on the upper branches of acacias and mallee eucalypts. Similar species: Maroon Clicker.
Orange Clicker
Flinders Clicker
Currently known extent database record:
Orange Clicker
Blackdown Dinger
Blackdown Dinger
Flinders Clicker