Small Acacia Cicada
Clinopsalta tigris (Ashton, 1914)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously referred to as
Cicadetta tigris.
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
21–24 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
Throughout inland New South
Wales and inland south
Queensland, west into central
and northern South Australia
and the Northern Territory,
south-west into the Goldfields
region of Western Australia.
Adults occur from October to
Notable localities:
Mount Hope, Wilcannia (Simon
lab), Pilepudla (P. Lang), Lake
Broadwater, Cravens Peak (A.
Ewart), Julia Creek, Tilmouth,
Wolf Creek (Simon lab), Lake
Douglas (Simon lab).
Acacia scrubland and shrubby
Calling song and behaviour:
Short, sharp single ticks or
clicks emitted at a rate of 4–5
per second. This is followed by
a fast double-ticking sequence
that sounds like a soft rattle.
Bouts of wing-snapping are
also produced. Adults sit on the
branches and stems of trees
and shrubs.
Colour variation:
Specimens vary from dark
brown with lighter reddish-
brown or yellow-brown
markings through to green with
dark-brown and yellow
Similar species:
Yellow-spotted Brigalow
Cicada. database record
Currently known extent