Fairy Dust Squawker Pauropsalta opaca Ewart, 1989
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Sometimes referred to as Pauropsalta opacus. Species number (TNS): 383. Fore wing length: 23–29 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Restricted to the drier parts of the Wet Tropics from Mount Carbine south to near Undara. An isolated record has been taken from Hidden Valley in Paluma Range (P. Buosi). Adults occur from October to March. Notable localities: Davies Creek, Herberton. Habitat: Populations usually occur in eucalypt woodland. Calling song and behaviour: Complex with two or three components. The first component consists of a long buzz. The second component contains a series of chirps, emitted rapidly. Sometimes a longer buzz is produced in-between each series of rapid chirps. Calling males generally occur on the main trunks or upper branches of eucalypts. They call during periods of sunshine. Similar species: Tropical Orange Squawker, Dusty Squawker, Herberton Squawker, Herveys Range Squawker.
Currently known extent
dr-pop.net database record