Mulga Blackwing Gudanga nowlandi Ewart and Popple, 2013
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS): 140. Fore wing length: 15–20 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From near Windorah east to north of Adavale and south-east to Eulo and Currawinya National Park in western Queensland. Adults have been observed from September to March. Notable localities: Mt Slowcombe, Adavale. Habitat: Typically associated with Mulga (Acacia aneura) woodland, but sometimes also occurs in Gidyea (A. cambeagei). Calling song and behaviour: A series of distinct triple chirps, with the first chirp slightly longer than the two that follow. The phrases are emitted at a fast rate and are occasionally interspersed with an extended buzz. Adults sit on the main trunks and upper branches of trees. Males will cease calling and move to a different singing perch when disturbed. Similar species: Noonbah Blackwing, Southern Brigalow Blackwing, Kalgoorlie Blackwing. database record
Currently known extent
Recording provided by A. Ewart