Channel Country Squeaker
Atrapsalta emmotti Owen and Moulds, 2016
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
16–21 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
This species has a wide range along
the river systems of the western
drainage system in south-west
Queensland, south from west of
Georgetown east to Quilpie and
extending west into adjacent areas
of the Northern Territory and South
Australia. It occurs from November
to at least February.
Notable localities:
Adavale, Windorah, Jericho,
A locally abundant species in
eucalypts along the major river
systems during mid-summer.
Calling song and behaviour:
Short, repetitive pulses produced at
a fairly low frequency. Adults sit on
the main trunks and upper branches
of eucalypts.
Similar species:
A distinctive species within its
distribution range. Superficially
similar to Bulloak Squeaker. database record
Currently known extent