Desert Double Drummer
Thopha emmotti Moulds, 2005
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
47–64 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
Known only from a few localities
from west of Blackall to
Adavale, Stonehenge and the
Boulia district in south-western
Queensland. Adults are present
from December to February.
Notable localities:
Idalia National Park, Boulia.
Found in association with
eucalypt woodland, including
Eucalyptus thozetiana. It shows
a preference eucalypts growing
beside rivers or on relict
plateaus in Mulga (Acacia
aneura) dominated areas.
Calling song and behaviour:
A loud electric whine, closely
similar to the call of Thopha
sessiliba. In addition to a
continuous song, males
produce bouts of broken pulses,
a component of the call that is
distinct from T. sessiliba. Adults
sit on the main trunk and upper
branches of eucalypts.
Similar species:
Western Double Drummer,
Orange Drummer, Northern
Double Drummer.
Habitat database record
Currently known extent
Recording provided by A. Ewart