Subalpine Firetail Yoyetta subalpina Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019
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Species number (TNS): 514. Fore wing length: 26–31 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Kanangra-Boyd National Park in New South Wales south along the tablelands through higher elevations in the Australian Capital Territory to eastern Victoria. Adults are present during December and January. Notable localities: Brindabella, Thredbo, Brown Mountain. Habitat: Subalpine eucalypt forest and woodland. Calling song and behaviour: A distinctive “Nee-dip, Nee-dip”, sometimes with quiet ticking in between each phrase. Adults typically sit on the main trunks and upper branches of tall eucalypts. Similar species: Red Ringer, Sweeping Firetail, Grampians Firetail, Restless Firetail. database record
Currently known extent