Talwood Watch-winder Heremusina sp. (cf. udeoecetes)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS): 311. Fore wing length: 15–17 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Talwood in inland southern Queensland and the Moree district in northern New South Wales. Adults occur from November to January. Notable localities: Talwood (A. Ewart), Moree (M. Coombs). Habitat: Grassy woodland and open grassland. Calling song and behaviour: A creaky call, similar to a watch being wound. Adults sit on grass stems and will take flight at the first sign of disturbance. Colour variation: Specimens often fade from green to yellow after death. Similar species: Eastern Watch-winder.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent
Recording provided by A. Ewart