Double-spotted Cicada Galanga labeculata (Distant, 1892)
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Previously referred to as Cicadetta labeculata. Other name(s): Spotted Wattle Cicada. Species number (TNS): 184–187. Fore wing length: 19–30 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Coastal, subcoastal and forested inland areas high rainfall areas from the Blackdown Tableland and Kroombit Tops in Queensland coastally and subcoastally south through New South Wales and Australian Captial Territory to north-eastern Victoria. It occurs patchily around Greater Brisbane, but is prolific in the Sydney area. Adults are present from September to April. Notable localities: Fraser Island, North Stradbroke Island, Stanthorpe, Sydney, Bowral, Canberra. Habitat: Populations occur in sclerophyll forests and heath vegetation, where adults typically occur on wattles (Acacia spp.), but sometimes also on eucalypts. Where this species is prolific, it may also occur in suburban gardens (e.g. Sydney and Canberra). Calling song and behaviour: The day song of this species includes a long buzz that increases in pitch for a period of about 5-10 seconds. It then ends with an abrupt "tick" and sometimes the individual will produce a shorter buzz followed by the same tick again over about half a second duration. Singing normally occurs every 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the time of day and density of males. The dusk call is a monotonous buzzing punctuated by a series of clicks. It sounds quite unlike the day song even though its pitch and tone are the same. Adults prefer to sit on the main trunks and branches. They tend to be fairly static but may move after singing a bout of their full song phrase. Colour variation: Colour varies within and between populations from almost black with orange or brown markings, to mostly orange brown or medium brown. Some individuals in coastal localities have blue intersegmental membranes (i.e. blue rings) on the abdomen. All have distinctive spots on the fore wings, although the ‘double-spot’ can often be fused into a single spot. Similar species: Gelidea torrida species complex (Victoria and Tasmania). Also check genus Kobonga. database record
Currently known extent