Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan, 1805)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
50–58 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
Temperate areas from Kroombit
Tops in Queensland south
through the higher rainfall areas
of New South Wales to the
eastern half of Victoria. An
isolated population is present in
the Grampians in western
Victoria and around Mount
Gambier in south-eastern South
Australia. Adults typically occur
from October to January.
Notable localities:
Mount Tamborine, Tenterfield,
Macksville, Sydney, Blackheath,
Braidwood, Bairnsdale,
Rainforest margins, open forest,
parkland and gardens.
Calling song and behaviour:
A loud, metallic, continuous
drone or a pulsing call, with
notes produced abruptly and
with readily detectable pauses
between each note. The call has
distinctive pure tone elements.
Adults sit on the branches and
stems of trees, including
eucalypts and a wide variety of
exotic species.
Colour variation:
A prominent feature of this
species. The green form
(Greengrocer) is found across
the entire distribution of the
species; dead specimens often
fade to yellow. The yellow form
(Yellow Monday) is also found
throughout the distribution, but is
generally less prevalent than the
green form. An orange and black
form (Masked Devil) has an
orange thorax and head, with
black markings and a shiny black
abdomen; this is found most
commonly in montane areas and
patchily in coastal lowland
districts throughout eastern New
South Wales. The brown form
(Chocolate Soldier) is present
where the yellow form occurs,
but not commonly encountered.
A rare blue form (Blue Moon)
has been collected occasionally
in the Sydney area. Another
rarely seen variety, the red form
(Red Warrior), has occasionally
been encountered in New South
Wales. Intermediate varieties
also occur in some areas.
Similar species:
Northern Greengrocer.
Habitat database record
Currently known extent