Retro Squeaker
Popplepsalta inversa (Popple, 2013)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
14–16 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
Occurs in central and southern inland
Queensland from Clermont south to
Augathella, near Tambo, Mt Moffatt
and St George and east to the
Fitzroy, Dawson, upper Burnett and
upper Mary River catchments of
south-east Queensland. Disjunct
population can be found in New
South Wales, one from Mount Hope
south to Goolgowi and another east
of Warialda (B. McBurney). Adults
occur from at October to January.
Notable localities:
Clermont, Eidsvold, Mundubbera,
Mount Hope.
Found in dry eucalypt woodland on
alluvial plains and also on sandy
ridges. Eucalyptus tereticornis and
Corymbia tesselaris are known adult
food plants. Individuals generally
perch high up. Also occurs in rural
gardens and parks. In New South
Wales, this species occurs in White
Cypress (Callitris glaucophylla) and
also on box eucalypts.
Calling song and behaviour:
A long introductory buzz, followed by
a series of alternating long and short
chirps. In the alternating section,
there is an apparent pause between
the long chirp and the succeeding
short chirp. Adults sit on the upper
branches and in foliage of eucalypts
or cypress.
Similar species:
Sprinkler Squeaker, Southern Red-
eyed Squeaker, Inland Sprinkler
Squeaker, Mimic Squeaker. database record
Currently known extent