Green Ghost (species complex) Owra insignis Ashton, 1912
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Species number (TNS): 557, 562, 563, 564. Fore wing length: 18–20 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Cape Tribulation to Mission Beach in north-east Queensland. It occurs from December to March. Notable localities: Mossman, Julatten, Atherton. Habitat: Tropical rainforest and leafy gardens. Species complex includes: Southern Green Ghost (TNS: 562): From Cape Tribulation south to Julatten. Northern Green Ghost (TNS: 557): From Kuranda south to Mission Beach.Northern Marbled Ghost (TNS: 563): Occurs from near Julatten north to Cape Tribulation. Laughing Marbled Ghost (TNS 564): Relatively widespread, though rarely observed, on the Atherton Tableland from Kuranda south to Tully. Calling song and behaviour: A group of short two-note buzzing phrases followed by a longer buzz (both types opf Green Ghost), or a short rattle (both types of Marbled Ghost). . Males sing sporadically throughout the day and more regularly at dusk. Adults sit in the outer foliage of rainforest vegetation, often in clearings. Colour variation: Specimens typically fade from green to yellow-brown after death. Similar species: Red Belly, Green Fairy.
Northern Green Ghost
Currently known extent database record:
Southern Green Ghost
Laughing Marbled Ghost
Northern Marbled Ghost
Southern Green Ghost
Laughing Marbled Ghost
Northern Marbled Ghost