Red Fairy
Taurella froggatti (Distant, 1907)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously referred to as Cicadetta
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
15–19 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
North Queensland from Cape York south
to Tully and Georgetown. Adults occur
from December to February.
Notable localities:
Weipa, Kamerunga, Innot Hot Springs.
Grassland and grassy woodland, often in
the vicinity of water.
Calling song and behaviour:
A high-pitched call with a long buzzing
section that is later broken up into a
rapidly emitted series of pulses. Adults sit
on the stems of grasses.
Similar species:
None; a distinctive species. database record
Currently known extent
Recording provided by A. Ewart