Slender Squawker Pauropsalta extensa (Goding and Froggatt, 1904)
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Includes Pauropsalta prolongata Goding and Froggatt, 1904. Species number (TNS): 653. Fore wing length: 18–23 mm. Distribution and seasonality: South-east South Australia where it is known from central Eyre Peninsula (A.  Stolarski), near Murray Bridge, near Tailem Bend and north of Bordertown. Notable localities: Tailem Bend, Burdett. Habitat: Mallee eucalypt woodland, including roadside remnants. Calling song and behaviour: Short, sweeping buzz phrases, repeated monotonously. There can be long periods of silence between bouts of calling. Adult sit on the branches and stems of mallee eucalypts. Similar species: Mallee Squawker. database record
Currently known extent