Floury Baker
Aleeta curvicosta (Germar, 1834)
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously referred to as Abricta
Species number (TNS):
Fore wing length:
34–51 mm.
Distribution and seasonality:
This species is distributed coastally and
subcoastally from Bendalong on the
New South Wales south coast north to
the Wet Tropics of north-eastern
Queensland. It is largely absent from the
dryer coastal parts of central and
northern Queensland, including the St
Lawrence and Burdekin Gap regions. A
conspicuous species in suburban
Sydney and Brisbane. Adults are
typically present between November to
Notable localities:
Greater Sydney, Ballina, Brisbane CBD,
Redland City, Bundaberg, Bunya
Mountains, Mission Beach..
Humid areas of open forest, mangroves,
paperbark woodlands, city parks and
suburban gardens.
Calling song and behaviour:
A loud series of hiss-like phrases that
rapidly accelerate into a continuous, loud
hiss. This call is emitted during the day.
At dusk a continuous hissing song is
produced. The call spans a wide range
of frequencies. Adults typically sit upside
down. They occur various types of trees
and more substantial shrubs. Individuals
are sedentary, but will scatter if
disturbed. Populations occur in local
Colour variation:
Specimens exhibit limited variation in
colour. Fresh specimens are covered in
a dusty white pubescence. Older
specimens tend to lose much of this
Similar species:
Little Floury Baker.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent