Northern Brigalow Blackwing Gudanga adamsi Moulds, 1996
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Species number (TNS): 138. Fore wing length: 14–18 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Restricted to the brigalow belt of inland central Queensland from Moranbah south to Taroom and Injune and west to Tambo. Adults occur from October to February. Notable localities: Blackwater, Wyseby. Habitat: Eucalypt, particularly Dawson Gum (Eucalyptus cambageana) and/or Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodland. Calling song and behaviour: Adults sit on the main trunks of trees where they camouflage effectively against dark-coloured bark. Males are wary and will fly away when disturbed. Similar species: Southern Brigalow Blackwing. database record
Currently known extent