Sweeping Firetail Yoyetta verrens Emery, Emery and Popple, 2019
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Species number (TNS): 515, 784. Fore wing length: 28–32 mm. Distribution and seasonality: From Springbrook National Park in Queensland southwest to Torrington State Conservation Area in New South Wales. An isolated population also occurs near Kinglake in Victoria. Adults occur during December and January. Notable localities: Kinglake (S. Emery and T. Corbin), Girraween National Park, Lamington National Park, Basket Swamp National Park. Habitat: Montane eucalypt forest and woodland. Calling song and behaviour: Produced at a moderately high frequency and sung whilst in flight or stationary. The in-flight song consists of short upwardly inflected phrases "sssssssssssseeep, sssssssssssseeep, sssssssssssssseeep". When males are at rest they sometimes emit a series of brief phrases "seep seep sip-sip-sip seep" with intermittent ticking. Adults typically sit on the upper branches of tall eucalypts, including stringybarks. Similar species: Glade Firetail.
dr-pop.net database record
Currently known extent