Eremophila Cicada Simona sp. 218
© Popple Creative Industries 2014–2025
Previously referred to as Notopsalta sp. E. Species number (TNS): 218. Fore wing length: 19–23 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Inland southern Queensland and New South Wales from north of Eidsvold west to Quilpie and south to Mount Hope, with isolated records from Eyre Peninsula in South Australia and near Salmon Gums in Western Australia. Adults are present from September to January. Notable localities: Lake Gilles (A. Stolarski), Lake Broadwater, Coolmunda Dam. Habitat: Woodland and scrubland in association with False Sandalwood (Eremophila mitchellii). Calling song and behaviour: A distinctive, metallic "zit-zit-zit- zit-zit-zit-zit-zit-zerrrrrr" that is often repeated. Singing occurs during long periods of sunshine. Similar species: Sooty Shrub-buzzer. database record
Currently known extent