Bladder Cicada Cystosoma saundersii Westwood, 1842
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Species number (TNS): 596. Fore wing length: 38–51 mm. Distribution and seasonality: Known from the Atherton Tableland and west of Mackay in north Queensland, from Carnarvon National Park in inland Queensland and coastally and subcoastally south from Kroombit Tops in central Queensland to Sydney in New South Wales. It has been inadvertently introduced to Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory and to Lord Howe Island. Adults are present from August to May. Notable localities: Kuranda, Atherton, Toowoomba, Mount Tamborine, Stanthorpe, Armidale, Burwood (D. Emery). Habitat: Subtropical bushland, rainforest, riparian forest. Often occurs in introduced Lantana (Lantana camara). Calling song and behaviour: A very low pitched, guttural growl. The song is not completely continuous and has momentary pauses. Singing occurs at dusk and early after nightfall. Adults sit in the foliage of leafy trees and shrubs. Colour variation: Adults are entirely dark green in life, with a rare blue mutant having been found on one occasion (Queensland Museum). Similar species: Rare Bladder Cicada, Daintree Bladder Cicada, Small Bladder Cicada (species complex). database record
Currently known extent